Magento Open Source 是一个老牌的开源电子商务平台,它满足 B2C 电商入门所需的一切。
Magento Open Source 是一个老牌的开源电子商务平台,它满足 B2C 电商入门所需的一切。
部署 Websoft9 提供的 Magento 之后,需完成如下的准备工作:
在云控制台获取您的 服务器公网IP地址
在云控制台安全组中,确保 Inbound(入)规则 下的 TCP:80 端口已经开启
在服务器中查看 Magento 的 默认账号和密码
若想用域名访问 Magento 域名五步设置 过程
Magento 最新版本已经采用命令行完成了安装向导,即可直接使用:
需要了解更多 Magento 的使用,请参考官方文档:Magento 用户文档中心
若碰到问题,请第一时刻联系 技术支持。也可以先参考下面列出的问题定位或 FAQ 尝试快速解决问题:
想将 Magento 默认的 MySQL 数据库更换为自己的 RDS?
执行下面命令可以更换 Magento 所使用的数据库
magento setup:config:set --db-host=DB-HOST --db-name=DB-NAME --db-user=DB-USER --db-engine=DB-ENGINE --db-password=DB-PASSWORD
下面以 使用 Magento 构建在线商城 作为一个任务,帮助用户快速入门:
建议通过 Magento 后台在线安装扩展:
确保你的 Magento 已经连接到官方的 Marketplace
在 Marketplace 找到您需要的扩展或主题,购买完成,点击【Install】
登录 Magento 后台,打开:【SYSTEM】>【Web Setup Wizard】>【System Configration】
在左侧菜单栏选择【EXTENSION MANAGER】,单击【Refresh】 将购买信息同步到网站,然后通过【Review and Install】查看
Refresh 可能会出现同步失败,请多次刷新
安装 Magento 后,建议把你安装的 Magento 系统与 Magento 官方的 Marketplace 资源进行在线连接,这样便可以使用 Marketplace 上的大量资源
到官方 注册 Magento 账号
进入 Magento 容器的网站根目录,将 key 复制到 auth.json.example,并重命名为 auth.json
"http-basic": {
"": {
"username": "<public-key>",
"password": "<private-key>"
连接后,就可以很方便的使用 Marketplace 上的资源
中文包 zh_Hans_CN 已经存在 Magento 多语言目录中
网页后台设置中文:在管理员页面右上角点击你的账户 Account Setting > Interface Local 中设置 Interface Local 为Chinese(China)
docker exec -it magento bash #进入Magento容器
cd /bitnami/magento/
php bin/magento config:set --scope=stores --scope-code=default general/locale/code zh_Hans_CN
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush
进入到Magento管理员界面,后台 Stores > Configuration > General > Local 中设置Local为Chinese(China)
Cache(缓存)是 Magento 的一项重要设置:
登录 Magento 后台,依次打开:【System】>【Tools】> 【Cache Management】
请参照官方的 SMTP 配置方案
域名五步设置 完成后,需设置 Magento URL:
通过SSH连接云服务器,运行下面的 CLI 命令进行参数配置
docker exec -it magento bash #进入Magento容器
cd /bitnami/magento
php bin/magento config:set web/unsecure/base_url # 修改成您的实际域名,必须以 / 结束
php bin/magento config:set web/secure/base_url # 修改成您的实际域名,必须以 / 结束
标准 HTTPS 配置 完成后,还需运行下面的 CLI 命令进行配置:
docker exec -it magento bash #进入Magento容器
cd /bitnami/magento/
php bin/magento setup:store-config:set --use-secure=1 --use-secure-admin=1 --base-url-secure=""
php bin/magento cache:flush #将基础URL更改为https并刷新缓存
Magento 应用中包含 Nginx, Docker, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, Varnish, RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch等组件,可通过 通用参数表 查看路径、服务、端口等参数。
通过运行docker ps
,可以查看到 Magento 运行时所有的 运行时所有的服务组件:
0cb53e8158c3 bitnami/magento:latest "/opt/bitnami/script…" About a minute ago Up About a minute 8080/tcp, 8443/tcp,>80/tcp, :::9001->80/tcp magento
99a9a1e1e20d bitnami/elasticsearch:7 "/opt/bitnami/script…" About a minute ago Up About a minute 9200/tcp, 9300/tcp magento-elasticsearch
09b196940f88 bitnami/mariadb:10.4 "/opt/bitnami/script…" About a minute ago Up About a minute 3306/tcp magento-db
Magento 配置文件目录 /data/apps/magento Magento 数据目录: /data/apps/magento/data
sudo docker exec -it magento magento -V
systemctl start | stop | restart | status magento
systemctl start | stop | restart | status magento-elasticsearch
systemctl start | stop | restart | status magento-db
$ sudo docker exec -it magento magento list
Magento CLI 2.4.2
command [options] [arguments]
-h, --help Display this help message
-q, --quiet Do not output any message
-V, --version Display this application version
--ansi Force ANSI output
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output
-n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question
-v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
Available commands:
help Displays help for a command
list Lists commands
admin:user:create Creates an administrator
admin:user:unlock Unlock Admin Account
app:config:dump Create dump of application
app:config:import Import data from shared configuration files to appropriate data storage
app:config:status Checks if config propagation requires update
braintree:migrate Migrate stored cards from a Magento 1 database
cache:clean Cleans cache type(s)
cache:disable Disables cache type(s)
cache:enable Enables cache type(s)
cache:flush Flushes cache storage used by cache type(s)
cache:status Checks cache status
catalog:images:resize Creates resized product images
catalog:product:attributes:cleanup Removes unused product attributes.
cms:wysiwyg:restrict Set whether to enforce user HTML content validation or show a warning instead
config:sensitive:set Set sensitive configuration values
config:set Change system configuration
config:show Shows configuration value for given path. If path is not specified, all saved values will be shown
cron:install Generates and installs crontab for current user
cron:remove Removes tasks from crontab
cron:run Runs jobs by schedule
customer:hash:upgrade Upgrade customer's hash according to the latest algorithm
deploy:mode:set Set application mode.
deploy:mode:show Displays current application mode.
dev:di:info Provides information on Dependency Injection configuration for the Command.
dev:profiler:disable Disable the profiler.
dev:profiler:enable Enable the profiler.
dev:query-log:disable Disable DB query logging
dev:query-log:enable Enable DB query logging
dev:source-theme:deploy Collects and publishes source files for theme.
dev:template-hints:disable Disable frontend template hints. A cache flush might be required.
dev:template-hints:enable Enable frontend template hints. A cache flush might be required.
dev:template-hints:status Show frontend template hints status.
dev:tests:run Runs tests
dev:urn-catalog:generate Generates the catalog of URNs to *.xsd mappings for the IDE to highlight xml.
dev:xml:convert Converts XML file using XSL style sheets
dotdigital:connector:automap Auto-map data fields
dotdigital:connector:enable Add Dotdigital API credentials and enable the connector
dotdigital:migrate Migrate data into email_ tables to sync with Engagement Cloud
dotdigital:sync Run syncs to populate email_ tables before importing to Engagement Cloud
dotdigital:task Run dotdigital module tasks on demand
downloadable:domains:add Add domains to the downloadable domains whitelist
downloadable:domains:remove Remove domains from the downloadable domains whitelist
downloadable:domains:show Display downloadable domains whitelist
encryption:payment-data:update Re-encrypts encrypted credit card data with latest encryption cipher.
i18n:collect-phrases Discovers phrases in the codebase
i18n:pack Saves language package
i18n:uninstall Uninstalls language packages
indexer:info Shows allowed Indexers
indexer:reindex Reindexes Data
indexer:reset Resets indexer status to invalid
indexer:set-dimensions-mode Set Indexer Dimensions Mode
indexer:set-mode Sets index mode type
indexer:show-dimensions-mode Shows Indexer Dimension Mode
indexer:show-mode Shows Index Mode
indexer:status Shows status of Indexer
info:adminuri Displays the Magento Admin URI
info:backups:list Prints list of available backup files
info:currency:list Displays the list of available currencies
info:dependencies:show-framework Shows number of dependencies on Magento framework
info:dependencies:show-modules Shows number of dependencies between modules
info:dependencies:show-modules-circular Shows number of circular dependencies between modules
info:language:list Displays the list of available language locales
info:timezone:list Displays the list of available timezones
inventory:reservation:create-compensations Create reservations by provided compensation arguments
inventory:reservation:list-inconsistencies Show all orders and products with salable quantity inconsistencies
inventory-geonames:import Download and import geo names for source selection algorithm
maintenance:allow-ips Sets maintenance mode exempt IPs
maintenance:disable Disables maintenance mode
maintenance:enable Enables maintenance mode
maintenance:status Displays maintenance mode status
media-content:sync Synchronize content with assets
media-gallery:sync Synchronize media storage and media assets in the database
module:config:status Checks the modules configuration in the 'app/etc/config.php' file and reports if they are up to date or not
module:disable Disables specified modules
module:enable Enables specified modules
module:status Displays status of modules
module:uninstall Uninstalls modules installed by composer
newrelic:create:deploy-marker Check the deploy queue for entries and create an appropriate deploy marker.
queue:consumers:list List of MessageQueue consumers
queue:consumers:start Start MessageQueue consumer
remote-storage:sync Synchronize media files with remote storage.
sampledata:deploy Deploy sample data modules for composer-based Magento installations
sampledata:remove Remove all sample data packages from composer.json
sampledata:reset Reset all sample data modules for re-installation
security:recaptcha:disable-for-user-forgot-password Disable reCAPTCHA for admin user forgot password form
security:recaptcha:disable-for-user-login Disable reCAPTCHA for admin user login form
security:tfa:google:set-secret Set the secret used for Google OTP generation.
security:tfa:providers List all available providers
security:tfa:reset Reset configuration for one user
setup:backup Takes backup of Magento Application code base, media and database
setup:config:set Creates or modifies the deployment configuration
setup:db-data:upgrade Installs and upgrades data in the DB
setup:db-declaration:generate-patch Generate patch and put it in specific folder.
setup:db-declaration:generate-whitelist Generate whitelist of tables and columns that are allowed to be edited by declaration installer
setup:db-schema:upgrade Installs and upgrades the DB schema
setup:db:status Checks if DB schema or data requires upgrade
setup:di:compile Generates DI configuration and all missing classes that can be auto-generated
setup:install Installs the Magento application
setup:performance:generate-fixtures Generates fixtures
setup:rollback Rolls back Magento Application codebase, media and database
setup:static-content:deploy Deploys static view files
setup:store-config:set Installs the store configuration. Deprecated since 2.2.0. Use config:set instead
setup:uninstall Uninstalls the Magento application
setup:upgrade Upgrades the Magento application, DB data, and schema
store:list Displays the list of stores
store:website:list Displays the list of websites
theme:uninstall Uninstalls theme
varnish:vcl:generate Generates Varnish VCL and echos it to the command line
yotpo:reset Reset Yotpo sync flags &/or configurations
yotpo:sync Sync Yotpo manually (reviews module)
yotpo:update-metadata Manually send platform metadata to Yotpo
Magento API 支持 REST(表述性状态传递)和 SOAP(简单对象访问协议)。 在 Magento 2 中,REST 和 SOAP 的 Web API 覆盖范围是相同的。
使用本地电脑浏览器访问网址:http://域名 或 http://服务器公网IP, 可以直接进入商城首页
输入用户名和密码获取解锁密码,登录到 Magento 后台管理界面
登录 Marketplace,打到My Profile 的 Access Keys 页面新建一个自己的 Access Key;
保存 Access Key
点击【Flush Magento Cache】和【Flush Cache Storage】开始刷新